Infectious diseases
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Hazmat Cleanup, LLC logo explaining the risks of communicable diseases and C. Diff.

Hazmat Cleanup: Infectious Diseases, communicable Risks & Common COntagious Pathogens

How Long Can Diseases Survive On The Surface?

Many communicable diseases can survive outside the body for an extended period of time. Conditions that may linger on household surfaces after an outbreak include:

In 2009, the influenza virus H1N1 began to spread. By August 2010, the World Health Organization called swine flu a global pandemic. Swine flu reminded us how quickly disease can spread in a connected world and how many millions of lives are impacted following an outbreak.

H1N1 can survive outside the body for 2 to 8 hours.

Each year, norovirus affects 20 million peoplein the United States and causes upwards of 800 deaths. Most of these deaths are either children or the elderly. When it comes to protecting the most vulnerable people in our society, only absolute commitment to safety will suffice.

Norovirus can survive outside the body for days or weeks.


A form of staph infection, MRSA begins as small bumps and grows into deep, painful abscesses in the skin. MRSA is highly contagious and potentially life threatening. When bacterial strains like MRSA affect communities, our work is even more critical.

MRSA can survive outside the body for days or weeks.

There are 5 unique types of hepatitis. While each is varied, they all contribute to liver disease. Hepatitis C alone affects an estimated 2.7 million people, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and most people are not aware that they are carriers of the virus.

Click this link for valuable information about Hepatitis B
Hepatitis C can survive outside the body for up to 3 weeks.

What is C. Diff. and how does it spread?

According to the CDC, C. diff is described as: “a bacterium that causes inflammation of the colon, known as colitis.” The bacterium is called Clostridium difficile (C. difficile, or C. diff), and as it grows, it releases toxins that attack the lining of the intestines, causing a condition called Clostridium difficilecolitis. Symptoms of the disease may be mild to severe, and include fever, abdominal cramps, and prolonged diarrhea.

​C. diff is classified by the CDC as an “Urgent Threat,” partly due to its widespread nature, and ease of transmission. One of the worst aspects of C. diff is the duration. Without proper medical care, the illness will last much longer than most flus, sometimes weeks. Also, the intensity of the symptoms, especially diarrhea, can be dangerous. Dehydration can happen quickly. Furthermore, C. diff is also difficult to kill. The CDC warns that the C. diff bacteria is known to be resistant to several common antibiotics. Proper and professional treatment of both the victim and their surroundings is necessary in order to prevent the disease from spreading and impacting others.

​Imagine you break your leg and go in for a minor surgery. Everything goes smoothly, but the nurse forgets to wear gloves when changing your dressing. You could catch C. diff.

You have a cold and the doctor prescribes anti-biotics. These weaken your immune system. Your chance of getting C. diff increases.

The public restroom you just used is out of soap. You run some water on your hands and plan to use some anti-bac when you get in your car. Meanwhile you touch your keys, your wallet, and your steering wheel. Despite your good intentions, you may already have C. diff please click on this link for valuable information about C Diff

C. diff is found in feces and is transmitted by touch – if you come into contact with an infected surface, then touch your mouth or nose, the disease can enter your body through the mucous membranes. It can also be passed by touching an infected person, which is part of why it is so prevalent in healthcare settings or in places where sick people are common. People with compromised immune systems, including the elderly, are at an increased risk of catching this illness.

​When you get sick, you go to the doctor. But what do you do if your home is also affected?

If you or someone you love becomes infected with the C. Diff bacteria, your first instinct will be to ensure the patient receives proper medical care. Following that, be sure to protect the rest of your home and prevent any reinfection by having your home thoroughly cleaned by a professional biohazard service like Hazmat Cleanup LLC. This precaution is especially important if the ill person shares a bathroom with others, or if there are small children or elderly in the home. Even if surfaces like faucets and sinks appear clean, C. Difficile can be incredibly resistant to household cleaners and disinfectants. A traditional house cleaning may not be enough to defeat the illness.

Today, the world is more connected than ever. This makes it imperative that we prevent against common communicable diseases. Even if there is no perceived risk, Hazmat Cleanup LLC treats every case with the utmost care to help provide you, your family, and your community the peace of mind that comes with a job done well.

Don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions and be sure to use personal protective equipment to prevent exposure to potentially​ ​contracting C. Diff.

Hazmat Cleanup technician with personal protective gear on and prepared to clean a C. Diff infected property.